Classes are in small groups. Please register to book your spot in advance.
***Cancellation Policy: Minimum 24 hours in advance.***
Class information
Free your shoulders (level-2)
Do you feel your shoulders are tired and stiff? Do you feel your shoulders stop you performing better in your loved sports? Come and learn how to move your arm more efficiently. After this mat workout your will feel your shoulders are relaxed, become better range, better position and better support. Plus after a few classes your arms will start show gorgeous muscle lines and tone.
Aroma Pilates (Level 1-2)
Did you know essential oils can help support our physical and emotion health too? In this mat class uses premium essential oils to enhance energy levels and promote body tone with a range of Pilates routines.ピラティスが、筋肉のバランスを整え、崩れた姿勢を改善し、痛みを和らげてくれるのに有効であるのは周知のことですが、エッセンシャルオイルが身体的および感情的健康をサポートしてくれるのを知っていたでしょうか。このクラスでは、エッセンシャルオイルを使って、エネルギーを増強し、体調を整えてみようと思います。倍増メリットを是非、体験してみてください。
MOTR (Level 1-3)
Maximum 3 people
MOTR may look like a roller but
it is way MOre Than a Roller.
Experience the unique challenge of Pilates Reformer work on MOTR, along with new balance, strength, cardio, agility and core challenges.
Release Tension (All level)
Back Care (Level 1)
This class is focus on spine health, Whether you have back pain or not, your spine will feel amazing after this class.
“If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old; if it is completely flexible at 60, you are young” - by Joseph Pilates
Pilates on small ball (Level 2)
We show you how to achieve increased flexibility and balance with improved muscle tone with our exercises using a simple small ball.
Private Reformer Lesson
Enjoy the true benefits of Joseph Pilates' rehabilitative methods with this targeted session tailored specifically to your needs. Using the reformer machine, we work with you to achieve your body goals. Sign up here!
Using a specific combination of premium therapeutic grade
essential oils, the Raindrop therapy technique seeks to promote balance and healing both physically and emotionally. Essential oils are applied directly to the feet and along the spine for
maximum effect. The oils bolster the body to heal itself, creating an inhospitable environment for free radicals to be eliminated naturally. Here are some benefits many have experienced:
Invigorates the Mind
Balances Body Energy
Reduces Inflammation
Improves Circulation
Shields from Pathogens
Helps with Structural Alignment
Relieves Stress
Improves Immune Function
Promotes Respiratory Benefits